
Upcoming Web Design Trends For Businesses Worldwide In 2022

web design trends

Due to technological advancements, there has been an increase in complexity in websites over the past several years. Still, businesses must adapt to cultural phenomena, smartphones continue to grow more powerful, and online privacy and security have become top-of-mind for many consumers.nfl jersey shop cheap lace front wigs sex toy store lesbian sex toys nike air max 270 custom jerseys near me cheapest jordan 1 baseball jerseys custom nfl jersey shop football jerseys nike air jordan low wig sales custom soccer jerseys wig shop best sex toy for men

Clear, transparent and simple websites are set to achieve the most success in the market in 2022. Below we explore the year’s hottest trends in web design for businesses based in Newcastle and worldwide to keep their eye on.

1: Reduce The Noise

The current trend favours a minimalist aesthetic, so you’ll want to avoid using too many features that compete for an audience’s attention. A web page overloaded with animations, textures, colours and typography is challenging to navigate.

Instead of introducing extra features, enhance your design by identifying an integral focus and emphasising it. With less text and more visuals, 2022 will be all about a more minimalist approach to communication. Instead of cramming everything onto one page, page design moves toward lighter, more exploratory experiences.

2: Ramp Up Security Measures

Websites that lack SSL certificates perform poorly in Google searches. When users visit a website and do not see a lock sign or the HTTPS protocol, they get alarmed. Receiving those anxiety-inducing pop-up warnings about possible threats deters viewers from continuing to navigate. Therefore, SSL certificates are a required security safeguard for all types of web pages.

Ascertain that the backup data for your website adheres to ISO 27018 standards. Data stored in the cloud is not impenetrable to hackers. ISO 27018 is a collection of methodologies and procedures for ensuring the security of user data.

Whether your site processes payments via credit or debit cards, online payments or PayPal, you want to work with a reputable source. Utilise service-level APIs, and offer several payment methods for users to feel more reliant on the fact that their payments will go through securely and their info is protected.

3: Foster An Inclusive Space

“Inclusivity” is a political phrase that gets tossed about too readily. But at its foundation, it’s a philosophy that every designer should embrace: make every attempt to be inclusive where inclusion was previously lacking. Moreover, it’s a concept that’s far from strange in today’s highly individualised global market.

It’s essential to incorporate inclusive design into most aspects of the design process, from strategic considerations regarding the website’s target audience to tone of voice and personalisation.

The common concept is that your website should be designed in such a way that everyone who wants to may not only access but also connect and relate to the information you’re presenting, from media to language to alt text.

4: Cultivate An Interactive Space

When it comes to user experience, many believe that empowering users to make their own choices regarding how they view and interact with the site is the best way to maintain engagement. The idea of allowing users to do more than just scroll up and down the page is being implemented among some of the most popular websites nowadays, allowing the audience to customise many aspects of the design interface.

Take advantage of an interactive interface that displays on the loading screen, giving users options such as picking day/night modes, backdrop colours or themes, scroll-triggered animations and interactive questionnaires.

5: Keep Looking Forward

Of course, this list is not an exclusive one. We have an entire year ahead of us, and the digital market is constantly evolving. As a weary world enters a new era post-pandemic, one trend we are seeing many businesses adopt in their online presence is to spread a message of hope and positivity. Keep your chin up, keep looking forward, and share your optimism and success with your audience.

Your website may well be the first impression prospective customers get of your business. Today’s most successful and on-trend websites are clean, simple, secure, inclusive, interactive and (this goes without saying) mobile-friendly, and a must-have if you want customers to (quickly and easily) find you.

Mad Cat Marketing’s scope of service includes web design in Newcastle. We are an Australia based digital marketing agency that provides extensive digital marketing services worldwide. Get in touch today.



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