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The Impact Of Social Media On Consumer Purchasing Decisions

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Social media has become a powerful tool in the hands of businesses and consumers alike. It has transformed the way people shop and interact with brands, and has created an unprecedented level of access to information and opinions about products and jersey for sale nike air jordan red the wig shop adidas sneakers for men on sale nike air jordan shoes nike air max black custom team jerseys custom jerseys nike air jordan best wigs custom baseball jersey custom jerseys shop nfl jerseys cheap wigs nike air max 270 womens

The rising demand in social media support is the reason that many business owners are seeking the support of a social media agency in Newcastle. Social media management and marketing is time-consuming, so you may be tempted to put this on the back burner considering your busy schedule as a business owner.

However, if your business does not have at least one active social media platform, this may be viewed as a “red flag” to potential customers, considering the vast impact that social media has on consumer purchasing decisions in this day and age.

How Do Consumers Use Social Media?

Short answer: It depends on the platform. Consumers mainly use social media for entertainment and connecting with friends. However, consumers have begun to utilise social media to research products, connect with brands, discover new trends, and make informed buying decisions. They can read reviews and access a wealth of information about products and services, and see what other consumers are saying about a particular brand or product.

Helping You Connect With Customers

As mentioned, it’s important to remember that users typically use the platforms to be entertained or connect with people. This is why it’s imperative to personalise your brand and make it feel more human, hence the stark rise in personal brands entering the market. Social media gives your business a great avenue to begin this process of “connecting authentically”.

Consumers prefer to have easy access to communicate with businesses, so where better than on platforms they spend the majority of their free time using? Companies can use social media to respond to customer inquiries, offer customer service, and provide timely updates about products and services. Doing so helps to create a strong relationship between the business and its customers.

Building Brand Awareness

Social media is also a great way for businesses to build brand awareness, as people often share their experiences with a particular brand or product on their social media feeds. This helps to spread the word about a company’s products and services, and can create a positive impression of a brand in the minds of potential customers.

You have great potential for extending your brand reach by utilising social media, which means that you have an opportunity to reach more people than ever before through successful social media campaigns.

Consumer Buying Decisions

According to Hubspot Marketing’s report, 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference. This is a giant number that cannot be ignored when considering the value an active social media presence will have on your brand. As consumers become more socially active and start to rely less on ads and more on the opinions of others, social media will become ever more influential in their buying choices.

If you’re wondering how to choose the best social platform for your business and industry, what type of content to make, when to post it, how to design it and more… you’re not alone. It is difficult for businesses to focus on learning an entirely new skill set while trying to run your business.

Do you want sound support from professionals in the game? Reach out to us at Mad Cat Marketing! We’re a professional social media agency in Newcastle with many years of experience in the industry. Let’s talk about your marketing goals and how we can help you to achieve them.

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How Has Social Media Changed Over The Last Decade?

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Looking back over the last decade we, as a social media agency in Newcastle, can confidently say that life seemed less complex. Something else that was less complex was the number of marketing channels and, you guessed it, social media platforms.

What a miscellany explosion it has been and so globally transfusing!

No filters and face enhancers on pictures were available, no commercials popping up or carefully targeted adverts and certainly no social media influencers. Live streaming was something that news reporters did from a news event to their head office studio. Remember those days?

The Evolution

Social media has intensified from a communication medium to an egoistic display to garner attention. Expensive data plans, breakfast photos on Facebook, and Likes’ loads have been replaced with complete societal immersion. Influencers can sway 100’s of thousands of followers to make choices, and our information privacy has never been so weak.

Ten years ago, there were less than 1 billion users of social media in total. Since then, Myspace has been trampled by Facebook with its 2.8 billion users, and YouTube is nipping at its heels with 1.86 billion users, followed by Instagram (1 billion users). Twitter comes in at 4th place having consumed Vine (remember that?) in 2012 and then shutting it in 2016 in the face of the threat from Instagram.

TikTok is the new kid on the block having boomed during 2020 and the intense focus created by lockdowns. It was already soaring in 2019 have crossed the 1 billion user mark. Its demographic is predominantly teenagers but is proving to be a mighty beast of Influencer strength. This is definitely the platform to watch.

Reddit, Pinterest and LinkedIn are not to be scoffed at, with user numbers in the range of 300 million active each. These apps are conservative, don’t get into political lawsuits and supply a reliable, steady service.


Gone are the days of sharing photos of your boring day. There is now a massive demand for entertaining and time-filling content. The proportion of users consuming curated videos and reading news stories has risen sharply and continues to do so.

Consumers are accessing and demanding full information details and services on companies via social media apps. This could be in the form of news updates, customer service agents, or details on the latest products. There are less random sharing and activity by users, but the brands will be seen online as users scroll constantly. Now is the time to adjust to the new opportunities and make sure your campaigns are interactive. Catch their eye, their interest and their favourite topic, and you might have a viral campaign on your hands within hours. Creating engaging content for your social media campaigns can be made easy with the help of essay writing agency at They can also assist you with your academic writing needs, so be sure to check out their website.

Chat to us at Mad Cat Marketing for a 2021 take on social media. As your top social media agency in Newcastle, we can run with the social media wolves and entrench your brand at the forefront of the consumers’ mind!