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3 Points To Keep In Mind For Your Holiday SEO Strategy

SEO Rank Graph

Whether your business is a brick-and-mortar store or operates online, sales tend to pick up across industries as we head into the most wonderful time of the year. Buying is at the top of people’s minds as they prepare for their holiday traditions, festivities, travels and more. 

You should have a full-proof SEO strategy in place if you want to maximise your organic traffic this holiday season. Throughout our years operating as a professional SEO marketing agency, we’ve compiled 3 points to keep in mind for your holiday SEO strategy.

  1. Conduct An SEO Audit

Before you start planning your holiday SEO strategy, be sure that you’ve conducted an SEO audit. Whether your business is brand new to SEO marketing or you’ve been working with an SEO marketing agency for quite some time now, this step is essential. You don’t want to lose out on all the increased sales because you missed one small detail ‒ one detail that could end up costing you more than you bargained for. 

  1. Prepare In Advance

The thing about an SEO strategy is that it takes some time to start seeing results from all of your strategic efforts. It’s not the kind of strategy you wake up at the last minute to begin implementing. If you’re serious about taking advantage of the markets’ festive-spirit spending, you need to prepare your strategy a few months in advance. This gives you some time to test and tweak your efforts in such a way that you come to the golden spot.

  1. Keep It Evergreen

When it comes to SEO content, we suggest that you do your best to keep your content mix as evergreen as possible. This does not necessarily mean evergreen year-round, but rather that the content can be repurposed each holiday season. This enables you to make the most out of your resources in a strategic way, where you’ll have data to look at from previous years and also will save your team time years down the road.

Looking For An SEO Marketing Agency In Australia?

As a business owner, your time is better spent doing what you know best rather than trying to figure out the ins and outs of Search Engine Marketing. Our team here at Mad Cat Marketing in Australia is well-experienced with SEO and has a proven track record of helping businesses maximise their organic search traffic during the holiday season. Contact us today to book a free consultation to discuss what value we can offer your business.

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Why It’s Best To Bring in 2021 With An SEO Agency That You Can Trust!


We all know that many businesses took a knock during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. But all hope is not lost. Start afresh and start 2021 off with a  bang, by working alongside a trusted SEO agency.

An SEO agency could give your business the boost it needs to remain relevant and attract new customers throughout 2021, and for many years to come!

Keep Up With The Times And Your Competition 

The chances are that your competition is working with a professional SEO agency to ensure that they get the online traction that they aim for. If you want to keep up with your competition, you’re going to have to invest in an SEO agency that is just as good as theirs as you’ll be competing for similar keywords and you want to make sure that you rank above them!

The Online Revolution Is Here 

Over lockdown and quarantine, many people started spending more time on their phones, including using social media apps as well as online shopping. And this trend is certainly going to continue into 2021. If your brand is not already active on social media, with online shopping options, it’s time to get with the program! An SEO Marketing Agency will be able to expertly advise which apps you’ll need to be active on, and draw up a plan of action for how your brand will attract new customers and engage with your current audience.

Why It’s So Necessary To Go With An SEO Marketing Agency That You Can Trust! 

With the popularity of SEO ever-increasing, many scammy SEO sites are popping up. These sites make big promises that they never fill and lure you in with affordable prices (which don’t exactly benefit you if they end up blacklisting your site by using shady practices). Ensure that you do the proper research when it comes to SEO marketing agencies so that you find an agency that truly has your best interests at heart. 

Are you looking for an SEO Marketing Agency that you can truly trust? Get in touch with reliable professionals at Mad Cat Marketing today!

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SEO Advice For E-commerce Websites

Ecommerce SEO Tips

Successfully selling your wares online is a great accomplishment that comes with tangible results and revenue. However, the world of online stores is a fierce one filled with big fish like Amazon. Lucky for smaller e-commerce websites, some of the best SEO marketing services are the simplest.

It is not enough to be a business mogul; you need a business consultant in your corner. This is still just the beginning. From here, you need to be trying to appear on the first page of major search engines like Google – this is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in. SEO is not exactly a walk in the park but never fear; we are here!

‘Selling’ Keywords

An integral part of SEO is the keywords. To come up with keyword ideas, you should focus on the product which you are marketing and the categories that it belongs to. The two requirements that a keyword must meet are:

  • Attract potential customers
  • Increase the likelihood of outranking your competition

Keywords need to fit the situation, of course, and smart SEO is all about utilising keywords that are searched enough, specific enough and not too short to pique the interest of as many potential customers as possible. Keywords that match these criteria are known as long-tail keywords.

After constructing your list of keywords, it’s time to optimise your website. Add your keywords in the following places for optimal search engine optimisation:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description tags
  • Image titles and ALT tags
  • URLs
  • H1-H4 header tags
  • Product descriptions

Navigation And Linking

What you need to ask yourself is; “How does my website’s usability compare to the competition?” To make sure that your site is easy to use, you need an efficient and effective linking strategy between the pages on your website.

Index Your Pages

Imagine going through all the trouble of making a great website only to be utterly invisible to searchers. By forgetting to check that Google indexes your pages, they will not be seen by the search engine. To make sure that this does not happen, create a sitemap of your e-commerce website and submit it to Google.

Security And Safety

Users are meant to feel safe while browsing your site. It would help if you made it as safe for your potential clients as possible. The damage that data leaking can do to your company is substantial. Do you remember the significant data leaking Facebook debacle of 2018? Ouch!

Contact Our SEO Marketing Agency Today!

Thanks for checking out our SEO services. If you’re interested in investing in the marketing services of an agency that you can trust, check out Mad Cat Marketing today. We offer services that cover the above aspects and beyond.

Related Tags: SEO Marketing Agency

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8 Ultimate Reasons Why Your Business Definitely Needs SEO


SEO is a combination of methods and practices implemented in the digital sphere which aim at bringing a website to the top of desired search engine rankings. We all know that appearing on the first page of search engine results gets you a better chance of getting more clicks and more customers, and the way to do this is through SEO!

As SEO experts ourselves, Mad Cat Marketing brings you 8 reasons why your business needs SEO today! And if you’re a business owner looking to grow your business, and fast, you can’t deny these reasons and integrate the best SEO services into your online marketing.

SEO Actually Works

Unlike other marketing methods, sound SEO practices and strategies are sure to yield great results. While you may have to wait a couple months before seeing the results of your SEO investment, your business will undoubtedly begin to creep up the search result rankings when you put in the effort – and you’ll stay on top once you get there. So, the sooner you start investing in SEO, the sooner you can enjoy the results of organic searches and guarantee website visitors who’ve pretty much already decided that they need your product or service.

SEO Gives Small Businesses An Opportunity

SEO doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care your organisation is a multimillion-dollar corporation, or a small family-owned business – if you put the correct SEO practices in place, you will have the opportunity to reach the top of search results, just like any other business. It also gives business owners an opportunity to optimise for local SEO. More than likely, small businesses will have a local customer base, and you can help ideal customers in your community find your brand by optimising for local SEO.

Customers Are Doing Their Research

Now more than ever before, customers are researching a variety of businesses before deciding where to purchase from. If you want a fighting chance of being at the top of the desired search results, and top of their minds, when a customer is looking for a brand to hand over their hard-earned cash to, you better start employing SEO strategies on a well-designed website.

Keep Up With Your Competitors

Do you realise that the first page of search results only offers 10 spots? If you’re in a competitive industry, the only way that you’ll actually be able to keep up with your competitors is through professional SEO. Due to the prevalence and popularity of SEO, it is more than likely that your competitors already have a digital marketing team working on their SEO. With more and more websites being created every day, you want to ensure that you stay ahead of the game and on top of the ranking clutter.

SEO Is An Asset And An Investment

Think about it, the work you put in with SEO is not going anywhere. Most SEO practices add value to your website in the form of relevant content and optimised pages. This builds your site up to the best version that it could possibly be. In comparison to paid advertising, SEO brings long-lasting results as opposed to quick fixes. The work you put into your site’s SEO today will reward you for years to come.

Build Up Your Reputation And Credibility

Many internet users find that paid ads at the top of Google search results spammy and skip straight through to the organic search results. If your site is coming up at the top of Google’s organic search results, chances are that your potential customers are going to view your site as a credible source. In addition, the SEO practices that would have had to be employed to get you to this position will also add credibility to your site through useful and relevant content.

Appeal To Mobile Users

Sites that have been optimised for SEO are most likely going to appeal to mobile users for four reasons. Firstly, fast loading pages are favoured among those using their mobiles. Secondly, a site that is completely mobile friendly is preferred. Thirdly, localised content through local SEO practices is viewed. Fourthly, ranking on top of organic searches means that a mobile user browsing a search engine through their phone will only look through the first page of searches that appear on their phone screen.

SEO Is Here To Stay

SEO has proved to be more than just some passing fad. It has yielded very real results for thousands of businesses worldwide and there are very few brands that do not realise its importance or put it into practice. SEO, even though the algorithm may change and adapt, will be around for many years to come!

Your Business Needs SEO And You’ll Need Us To Do It!

No time for your own SEO or digital marketing? Even if you did have the time to attempt to do your own SEO, it’s probably best to employ the help of skilled professionals if you want to see good results. Our team at Mad Cat Marketing have all the expertise, tools and tactics needed to get the SEO results you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to start talking about how our personalised strategies can help you.